Sunday, January 24, 2010

Does this at least count as "off-Broadway"?

The job description: Imagine 4 performers, under the direction of a dance captain/tour manager, embodying the essence of CHICAGO through movement and acting while interacting with the public. Part-time positions. People who love CHICAGO and FOSSE highly desirable.

The reality: Imagine 4 performers, working individually, freezing their asses off in hotpants and character shoes, cheering and handing out Chicago flyers to tourists in Times Square. People who have given up on their actual performing careers, and don't mind ruining their vocal chords and leg muscles working 6 hour shifts in subzero temps, are highly desirable.


  1. This is one you can talk about when they are describing your "overnight success". Seriously.

    Sending you a smile,

  2. For sure! Well, at least the girls told me they get to keep the red tights. I guess that's something!


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